
Thursday 1 September 2022

Is John Romita Jr a good or a bad artist?

 We all have our opinions, we have our favourite artists as fans and inevitably ones we value as lesser talents. But none are more divisive as the son of Jazzy John Romita. Some will put him on their personal Comic book Mount Rushmore while others think he’s a stain on his fathers lineage. So let's actually explore if he’s objectively good or bad…

Let's get some things out of the way, because it’s not just his line work that's controversial. He has signed on to do many NFT projects, is a constant collaborator with Frank Miller, sites as one of his hobbies “pwning the libs” and has produced 2 “passion projects” where the hero shows his “manliness” by raping someone (Kick-ASS and Superman Year One). But I’ll also mention I’ve hated John Romita’s artwork before I knew any of those things, but I’m going to try to be objective unlike his supporters who will just say “He’s a good artist” and leave like they’re the great auritor of artistic quality.

So speaking of great authorities on comic book art, did you know he was removed from being the artist on X-men because Chris Claremont didn’t like his art. Even stated he preferred the other artists who collaborated on the book, which would include; Barry Windsor-Smith, Dave Cockrun, John Byrne and Rob Liefeld did a single issue around this time. Chris Claremont isn’t a good enough authority for you, how about Stan Lee? On the Home Video series Talks with the Comic book greats, both Romitas show up and everything said by Jazzy John and Smilin’ Stan about Juniors art is a backhanded compliment (my favourite being from Romita Sr “If I knew my son was going to be a comic book artist I would have discouraged him more”).

Also when Chris Claremont said his art was bad it was when his Dad inked him and it looked like this

Of course the classic counter argument is to say well he drew Daredevil the man without fear or Spider-man Homecoming or any one of his high profile comics, but that’s not actually saying what’s good about the art. That's Stockholm syndrome, that he’s been around so long, you’ve convinced yourself he must actually be good to still be around.

I found a single image that captures the best and worst of JRjr’s art.

Look at the detail on the brick work, the naturalness of the fire escape. Look at anything other than the two expressionless gargoyles that are supposed to be the focus of the story.

I often see John Romita jr compared to Jack Kirby. But Jack Kirby wasn’t great at anatomy or consistency but he was great at storytelling and facial expressions. Romita is also known for sometimes having wonky anatomy, but just because Jack Kirby did doesn’t mean it works for you. A cursory glance at a Jack Kirby comic book panel you know what’s going through the characters mind.

Jack Kirby’s images almost don’t need the words to be understood, Stan Lee was almost superfluous. Every example the face and body tell the story.

And John Romita Jr… 

Look at the end, an almost readable expression. And that’s from looking online, I could scan in from my Spider-man collection any time a blank lifeless expression is drawn. It’s a good thing he mostly draws Spidey, a fully masked character, because then he gives the reader a break from rectangles emoting vaguely annoyed or shit their pants. Ok seriously in that Mary Jane example is she high, nauseous not the actress we’ve been led to believe she is? 

But the thing that gets me about John Romita jr is that his art gets worse not better… is he just going through the motions is that why his DC work all characters were the same height. The more practice you get you should get better, but to say his art evolved is wrong, it devolved into a cubist monstrosity with little in the way of action or momentum. I don’t care how detailed the backgrounds are, putting that much emphasis on backgrounds is a modern luxury as printing has improved (or webcomics no chance of ink smudging at the printers there). His artwork is just bad and getting worse, the argument “just look at it” works both ways. And if you can find an argument I haven’t said as to why he’s good please tell me because I really want to know how he’s gotten to the top of the industry other than nepotism. 

Oh I should say something nice, good buildings. Maybe he missed his calling John become an architect instead.